Our Business Philosophy
The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers.
We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our patterns and instructions as much as we enjoyed providing
them for you.
My mamma always said, "If you can't do it right, then don't do it at all." Well, I guess that mamma
wasn't the only one who said that. But, at Purple Enterprises, we believe that if we can't create something that everybody
can immitate, then we need to create another product so that everybody can make something similiar at their own still level.
And, if we're not doing that, then please tell us. We know that we can't please all the people all the time, but we sure plan
to give it our best shot.
We also want to create as many well-rounded items as we can so that nobody gets bored looking at
the same types of items. So, be expecting many things.
If we create it...they will come.
Our Employees
Employees play an important role in any business. Here is where we get a chance to tell you a little
about ourselves. We may talk about our families, interests, and what we do in our free time. We try to bring our passion for
life to you through our business and this web site. We may even provide a link to our personal web site to tell you more about
ourselves. Ok, so when I say "we", it's literally only me, but I'm not the only one who goes into creating this business.
WE is made up of ME (the designer and creator),
YOU (the purchases and suggester or future items), MY FAMILY (who support me 110%
and encourage me to keep going forward even though sometimes it's less than one step at a time), and MY FRIENDS
(who not only help to support me, but who do a lot of pattern 'proofing' and make suggestions either in changes I might make
to my web site or to my creations). So, when I'm talking about my business, PURPLE ENTERPRISES, and I say WE...I
really do mean all of US.