Welcome to our craft web site!
Since this is a new web site business we'll be starting out slowly and adding new things as they are designed, crocheted,
created or found. If you'd like to be notified of new site updates, please ask to be put on our mailing list.
On this
home page, we'll introduce our business and highlight important areas on our site. You'll see items I've croched, items I've
designed and items I think are wonderful crafts. You'll find patterns for sale as well as freebies.
I'll also let you know about items that I'm working on and those that I'm in the process of designing so you can look
forward to seeing-and maybe purchasing-them when they're completed.
If you're looking for something in particular, but you don't see anything like it here, please let me know about it and
maybe I can design it for you. If you'll look on the products page, one of the items is a Top Hat. That is the result of a
personal request by my friend Marilu. I can design for you as well.